Grill Smoke BBQ’S Grilled Beef Bavette with Smoky Salad Onions

Grill Smoke BBQ’S Grilled Beef Bavette with Smoky Salad Onions

I find bavette to be one of the tastiest cuts of beef around. Cut from the animal’s strong, well-exercised abdominal muscles, the meat should be sliced against the grain to maximize tenderness; a little brining also helps. Don’t expect melt-in-the-mouth fillet here, though. This is beef that needs a little chewing, but the flavour more than makes up for that, and the smoky onions and zingy-crunchy salsa are the perfect accompaniments. The following recipe is taken from the Grill Smoke BBQ Cookbook by Ben Tish.


Prep Time


Cooking Time









Place the beef in the brine and leave, covered, for 1 hour.


Drain and transfer to a clean bowl. Add the extra virgin olive oil, garlic, chilli, lemon zest and thyme, then leave to marinate for at least 1 hour.


Light the barbecue and set for direct/indirect cooking.


Remove the beef from the marinade, season with salt and pepper and place on the grill in the direct heat zone. Keep a close eye on the steaks: bavette cooks quickly as it is quite thin, and it shouldn’t be cooked past medium-rare otherwise it’ll be tough. Grill for 2 minutes on each side to char, then move to the cooler edge of the barbecue to rest for a couple of minutes.


Cut the onions in half lengthwise, keeping the stalks intact. Toss them with a little olive oil, season with salt and pepper and place directly on the grill in the direct heat zone and cook for 3–4 minutes until charred and tender.


Thickly slice the steaks and serve with the grilled onions and salsa cruda.

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